Achieving our mission starts with dedicated and talented people coming together to build projects with impact.
John Borthwick
CEO, Betaworks
danah boyd
Founder and Advisor
Brad Burnham
Managing Partner, Union Square Ventures
Gabriella Coleman
Wolfe Chair in Scientific and Technological Literacy, McGill U...
Anil Dash
Head of Glitch and VP, Developer Experience, Fastly
Cathy Davidson
Founding Director, The Futures Initiative; Distinguished Profe...
Edward W. Felten
Director, Center for Information Technology Policy; Robert E. ...
Tarleton Gillespie
Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research; Affiliated Associate...
Nick Grossman
Partner, Union Square Ventures
Alice E. Marwick
Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, University o...
Hilary Mason
General Manager for Machine Learning at Cloudera; Founder at F...
Andrew McLaughlin
Co-founder & Partner, Higher Ground Labs; Venture Partner, Bet...
Deirdre Mulligan
Gina Neff
Executive Director of the Minderoo Centre for Technology & Dem...
Claudia Perlich
Senior Data Scientist, Two Sigma; Advisory Scientist, Dstiller...
Latoya Peterson
Director for the Culture, Glow Up Games
Andrew Rasiej
Co-founder Personal Democracy Forum; Civic Hall
Joel Reidenberg
Fordham University, In memoriam
Clay Shirky
Associate Arts Professor, Interactive Telecommunications Progr...
Micah Sifry
Co-Founder and President, Civic Hall; Curator, Personal Democr...
Shamina Singh
President, Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth; Executive V...
Baratunde Thurston
Futurist Comedian; Writer; Activist
Janet A. Vertesi
Assistant Professor, Sociology, Princeton University
Christina Xu
Writer, Magpie Kingdom; Faculty, SVA; Product Manager, Quip
Ethan Zuckerman
associate professor of public policy, communication and inform...