In Fellowship: Capstone Conversation

Chaz Arnett,

Tamara K. Nopper,
Tiara Roxanne, and
Murali Shanmugavelan
in conversation with
Sareeta Amrute

Data & Society can set the table, but what really makes things shine, what makes for this incredible feast that we’ve all been partaking in, are the fellows. What happens when you bring fellows together who have rich, deep expertise and experience in race, caste, and indigeneity?

— Sareeta Amrute

In this conversation with Principal Researcher and Fellowship Director Sareeta Amrute, 2021 – 2022 Fellows Chaz ArnettTamara K. Nopper, and Murali Shanmugavelan, and Postdoctoral Researcher Tiara Roxanne reflect on their experience at Data & Society during the second year of a global pandemic.

They discuss how they built an intellectual and interpersonal community beyond the contexts of institutions and identities — by honing methods, expanding frameworks of understanding, developing curricula, curating panels, and swapping recipes.



Sareeta Amrute

Chaz Arnett

Tamara K. Nopper

Tiara Roxanne

Murali Shanmugavelan



[read] Roxanne, Tiara. “Indigenous Data Sovereignty and the Land Grab Universities Project:  Acknowledging the Historical and Ongoing Violence of Settler Colonialism Online and Offline.” Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Gunda Werner Institute, February 11, 2021.
(reference by Murali Shanmugavelan)

[read] Tuck, Yang: “Decolonialization is not a metaphor” Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society Vol. 1, No. 1, 2012, pp.1–4.
(reference by Tiara Roxanne)

[read] Tuck, Eve. “Suspending Damage: A Letter to Communities.” Harvard Educational Review Vol. 79 No. 3 Fall 2009 Copyright © by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. pp. 409–427.
(reference by Tiara Roxanne)

[read] Amrute, Sareeta. Encoding Race, Encoding Class (Duke, 2016). (reference by Sareeta Amrute)

[watch/listen] The Datafited State #3: Race, Surveillance, Resistance | Tamara K. Nopper, Alyx Goodwin, Raúl Carrillo, and Chaz Arnett, Data & Society Databite, May 25, 2022. (reference by Tamara Nopper)

[read]  Arnett, Chaz. “Data: The New Cotton” Just Tech. Social Science Research Council. May 25, 2022. DOI: (reference by Chaz Arnett)

[read] Kromm, Chris. “Interview with Julian Bond: ‘We need to organize!’” Facing South, 2005. (reference by Tamara Nopper) 

[read] Hamer, Fannie Lou. “I’m Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired.” Rally Speech at Williams Institutional CME Church, Harlem, New York, Dec. 20, 1964. (reference by Chaz Arnett)


More about the Speakers’ Work

Murali Shanmugavelan: 

Tiara Roxanne:

Tamara K. Nopper:

Chaz Arnett:

Sareeta Amrute:


More about Data & Society Fellowships:

Fellows Program Archive

Credits & Acknowledgements

Producer: CJ Brody Landow

Social Media + Webpage: Alessa Erawan 

Video Editor: Kara Constantine  

Additional support provided by Data & Society’s Communications and Engagement teams.